on Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

After failed in university entrance Exam,I'm back to NEET world.My study partner has go to a far university after she failed...then its only me...who left in this overlap world...,buy no..there is someone!!Yes That's him...he also hasn't go anywhere since he has failed to become a police.I send text to him,he said that he is going to try the police's test again next month,but he was boring stayed at home so he asked me if I'd like to make a project with him,Sure i said...Then we meet and decided to make a short anime Titled Burning Star.The anime is about a graduated high school boy who decided to be a Rock Musician,He has no Talent or skill,so he keep practicing at a place near a station.

I have a duty to make a manual characters design,then he will make them into digital form,trace it with vector tool,edit them and coloring....And so on...

i don't know if it is going to work.....